At the zoo
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
More Toddler Crazy Logic
They might be stuck in a tree, she said.
Indeed, they might, I replied.
Or water, she said.
Or water, I agreed.
Or dirt.
Or snow.
Or quicksand.
You are right.
Or strawberries.
Or chocolate.
Nobody said much of anything after that. Jim chimed in that if that person who was just stuck in strawberries and chocolate ran through some whipped cream and ice cream that they would have fallen into Sundae. I'm still trying to figure out how strawberries got into Emma's head.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
True Love
Right now (3:10 PM), Emma is not napping (I am trying to shorten her naps so she will go to bed before 11 PM). She is trying to explain why she cannot go to the bathroom, and apparently it involves a "long, twisty slide and the pee-pee is scared of coming down". I always wondered how that worked.
With that tidbit of toddler wisdom, I will take my leave.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Travel Travails
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Multimedia message
(My homemade sinusitis cure)
I am under the influence of a summer cold this week. Monday I had an enormous headache. Today it has evolved to a sneezing fit with a sore, swollen face. Nothing that is bad enough to render me useless, or even to send me to bed, mind you. Just enough to thoroughly annoy me and keep me near the tissue box. So, after Sudafed and Motrin did not make a dent, I got desperate. I wandered out to my garden and cut some lavender and wrapped it up in this tidy little package with 2 tea bags and a few drops of peppermint. Then I moistened it and microwaved it for 30 seconds and laid it on my painful face. Sweet relief! It cleared my nose and soothed my headache. I have found a wonderful new use for my lavender! The little yellow package also removed my makeup, which you can see in the perfect shape of my eyes right in the middle there. Anyhow, I had no right to makeup with the blotchy face I was sporting, so I guess that all worked out.
Monday, August 21, 2006
For Lydia

My friend over at Keep Your Eye on the Kids is taking a nice month long vacation on the beach just like she did last year. The link in this entry will take you right to the adorable picture of her 2 1/2 year old daughter, who is wearing the exact same bathing suit as my dear 3 1/2 year old in this picture. Click on the link on the side over there to read her most current entries. Now, I am not sure whether you think Emma is sun bathing or nearly dead, but she is, in fact, neither. One day last month her cousin Avis came over to watch her and her sister while hubby and I ran around town like crazy childless people. They were happily playing in the little pool when Avis busted out the camera and Emma began to pose. This was her idea of posing. I have a slew of pictures of her reading or plain ignoring the camera, but this one showed the bathing suit the best. So, there you go, Lydia. I hope your sand castle building days are warm and the people downstairs stop being twits. You should report them.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The Devil Wears Strawberry Shortcake
Friday, August 11, 2006
On a Lazy Summer Day
Summer afternoon on the market's front porch. We walked up there, or I walked and pushed Mary's ride thingy and Emma pedaled away on her bike (that's why she is wearing knee pads) to kill some time. So the girls picked out some Twizzlers and we sat on the front porch of the market and counted cars. Emma got up to 25 and then things got a little screwy and then suddenly there was a game of tag that erupted. In the middle of all of this, they stopped to lean against the wall and Emma threw her arm around Mary. Mary didn't even squeal which, I must tell you, is highly unusual. I love impromptu sisterliness.
Today's Desires
Just for the record, I want:
3 million dollars
A teaching job
A maid
That should cover it. I'm going to buy a lottery ticket today, just in case.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I just want.....
A maid.
A teaching job.
Or an obscene amount of money, which would take care of all of the above in one form or another.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Music In the Park

Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Long and Not So Short of It
Emma is 39.5 inches tall and weighs 32 pounds. She will be starting preschool in a MONTH!!!
Mary is 37 inches tall and weighs 30 pounds (OUCH! My aching back!). She is 1 1/2 inches taller than Emma was at this age, and most of the size 2 clothes are looking a bit short on her. Looks like she will be catching up to Emma's wardrobe before the end of the year, which will make a lot of things more difficult. It will also cause a lot of clothes to not get worn twice, or handed down as they are now. My friends will suddenly be receiving a lot more clothes when I pass things on, as Mary will no longer be a stop on that hand-me-down chain. This makes me and my pocketbook quite sad.
So, 16 months, 2 1.2 inches, and 2 pounds different. That amazes me.
Last week we went to buy some shoes for the fall weather. I guess you could say it was our first "School Shopping" that begins the long years of new clothes to start the new school year. I choose 2 pairs of shoes that Emma could pick from - a nice, sensible pair of white shoes or a trendy, Strawberry Shortcake pair of zippy brown and pink shoes. Emma obsessed over a fluffy set of Princess slippers. No amount of refocusing even came close to getting her attention. She tried them on. She walked around in them, proclaiming that they fit her and they were very comfortable. She sang their slipper praises and generally ignored the shoes I was trying to get her to pick from. So, we eventually bought the slippers (one pair for each girl, of course) and then she conceded to pick the Strawberry Shortcake shoes. You may think that I should have just picked the shoes for her, but then you would be uninitiated in the Ways of the Toddler, which would cause a fight EVERY time she needed to put on shoes if they were not ones she liked. As it is now, she has decided to have a VERY strict opinion on the outfits I put on her. One less fight on a daily basis makes my life a lot easier. So, we got new shoes for the fall season AND a nice fluffy pair of Princess Slippers to boot. Now she is set to meet her peers.