Monday, December 20, 2004

Business Trip

What a long weekend! We were back and forth with the kids across the town on both days. Weekends for me are not relaxing. A weekend for a stay at home mom is much like a business trip for any full time office job. You spend the time before preparing, the time during the trip is all chaotic and nothing is like the normal schedule. Your whole pattern in thrown off and, most times, you end up working longer hours and working harder than if you had just stayed at home. Then the trip is over, and you spend a few days doing all of the regular work that was supposed to be done while you were gone. The only difference is that business trips are not usually every 5 days. I never thought I would look forward to Mondays like I do right now.

Saturday we had Christmas with Jim's Dad's side of the family. A wonderful dinner that I didn't get much of, due to the fact that I had 3 teeth drilled that morning. Thankfully, Linda sent home many leftovers and I have been anticipating them eagerly! There is nothing like leftover ham and sweet potatoes for an easy, tasty dinner! It was fun to see Bobby and Bella with Emma. And Karen got a good dose of baby holding time with little Mary. Mary is happy as long as she is being held, so it was a good Christmas celebration time for her! Both the girls got classic Christmas movies - Rudolph and Frosty - and the singing characters to go with them. Jim already hid Rudolph because it was driving him nuts to hear the song OVER AND OVER AND OVER again (ah, the power of toddler fixation). Emma watched the Rudolph movie and is fascinated every time she sees Santa on there. I think she is starting to get the fun of Christmas time. Next year will begin the excitement for her.

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