Sunday, January 30, 2005

Baby Food Adventures

We are still introducing new foods to Mary. Emma was easy - she ate anything. Mary, on the other hand, has a definite opinion about what should be considered food. We tried peas the other night. I might mention that I don't really like peas unless they taste very fresh. When I opened the Gerber package of mashed peas, I was struck by the amazingly fresh smell of the peas and I had to get a second a third opinion of the freshness. So I had my Mom and Jim smell the peas. They both heartily agreed that those peas smelled incredibly fresh; almost edible even. So I mixed in a little rice cereal to thicken them and happily wandered over to feed them to Mary. After the first few bites, Mary would squeeze her eyes shut and shudder, but she still ate her mouthful. Since I apparently did not pick up on her discontent after the first couple of bites, she began all out pea warfare. This consisted of finely spraying the entire contents of her mouth by doing raspberries the minute she got her mouth full of peas. Jim was in the kitchen getting some dinner together and I offered, graciously, to finish making dinner if he wanted to take the pea artillery. No go. He was happy to laugh at me from a safe distance.


Anonymous said...

Sounds ugly! Victoria will eat just about anything but will makes faces that are just too cute. Only one time did she protest (Natures best spring veggies) and then I mixed a heavy dose of fruit into it and you would have thought I was Mary Poppins!!!! A spoon full of fruit will make the veggies go down. The mixture looks disgusting....give it a try. P.

Derek said...

Jim's a smart guy. Gee, an option of making dinner or getting spit on? I'm sure he did some deep soul searching before reaching his conclusion, but big ups to him for coming to an extremely reasonable conclusion.