Monday, March 14, 2005

Shoes and other abductions

To set the record straight; I have not ceased to exist. Although my nemesis would want otherwise, I thrive as you read this. So where have I been? Being Mommy. Some weeks the mommy chores get bigger somehow and they all back up with astounding speed. This weekend I managed to make some headway on the encroaching laundry piles and sticky kitchen floor. I won’t say that I’m ahead, merely treading water. My problem has been using the girls’ nap times for something other than housework. That will kill me everytime. So, enough about me, let me tell you about the girls.

Jim and I took Emma and Mary to the mall yesterday. We needed to get them some new shoes and find out what sizes they actually should be wearing. Emma is a size 7 ½ - last year at this time she was a 4. She picked out her own shoes. I couldn’t believe it. She found some tennis shoes (I was looking at summer sandals for the upcoming season) and wouldn’t give up on them. So we tried some on (including the sandals I picked out for her) and put her tennis shoes in a line of 3 and asked her to pick out which one she wanted. The single-minded focus of a two year old is amazing. They are actually very nice white Keds with little flowers embroidered on the toe. Something I would have picked out, so that made me happy. I also bought the sandals. Mary got a pair of pre-walkers because they were on sale and I needed to have something to put on her feet that has not been worn through by Emma. She had some great Robeez shoes that Emma wore, but Emma learned to crawl and walk while wearing the leather moccasins and they look like they are 50 years old. I would love to get her another pair in a pretty spring color but I cannot buy any more shoes for these girls. How many shoes do kids need? Not that many, I tell you. So Mary (a size 3) got a pair of cute white Mary-Janes to get her through half of the summer. As a note on Emma’s Robeez shoes, she inherited a pair from Fiona (Diane’s daughter) that she loves and wears all of the time, even when the red shoes do not match anything she is wearing. However, she has outgrown them and I have to retire them soon - when she is not looking. I have to thank Diane for both of the girls having Robeez - they have been a great gift. If you have not seen these shoes, check out .

Well the girls are sleeping and I want to do touch ups on some scrapbooking pages before nap time is over. I will blog soon!


Derek said...

Oh, Ann. I do not wish for your demise. Your demise may be something I would be legally held accountable for, and I do not wish that. Instead, my goal is simply occasional bursts of aggrivation and/or frustration. This is much harder to pin on me, as my actions are generally added to your existing circumstances, and differentiating one aggrivation from another is a difficult task in the legal sense.

That, and aggrivating people is much easier on me than plotting someone's demise.

Canton Mommy said...

They were KEDS shoes, not Kids. Everytime I try to correct it the upload crashes. Just know they were Keds tennis shoes.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the makings of a 'shoe monster' has begun!!!! Keds now, Prada later. A girl after my own heart. Way to go Emma.

Derek said...

As proof I can be nice, I actually knew you were referring to Keds, and chose not to pick on you for that. I think this entitles me to some kind of award.

Canton Mommy said...

Yeah, award. Like "The Nemesis who can be Nice Award"? Or maybe the "Not quite Moriarty Award". Oh - wait - "Swell Guy Award". Wow, you could put that right up next to the Optimist Award you got in High School.

Oh, THAT made me laugh just now.

Still laughing.

You could get the "Nemesis who makes me Laugh from a Distance" award.

I'm killin' myself over here - SOMEBODY stop me!!!!

Derek said...

Mock the Optimist Award at your own peril. Either way, I'm a nice guy with an Optimist Award, and you're not.

I've come up with a line for my Optimist Award. "When they announced I'd won, half the school started laughing, and the other half didn't know me well enough to laugh."

Anonymous said...

The award, Derek, is a popsicle.

Canton Mommy said...

Yeah, I have a nemesis, Derek. That and two children are all I need in life.

Anonymous said...

Good post!Kids dont get satisfied with one oair of shoes..Robeez always have a good collection of shoes..