Friday, April 01, 2005


Digital scrapbooking. Uh, yes it's true. The programs make the pages look hand made. It is CRAZY. Up until yesterday, I would upload all of my digital photos to Ofoto, have them all printed and sent to me. I organized them into nice plastic containers and carried them to my scrapbooking gatherings, where I cropped and pasted happily. So today I wanted to fix some photos that were awfully dark, due to the reflection of a swimming pool. I scanned them in and spent HOURS discovering what I could do with Adobe Photoshop. I may not upload one more single photo to anywhere because they would be easy and time saving - no, I will PLAY with the photos!!! I can do text ON the photos! I have printed them as sketches, on vellum, and as sketches on vellum in 3 different colors!!!!!

Now to go neglect the children some more.....

1 comment:

Derek said...

Trying to beat Chad's record for delinquency on posting, are we?