Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday Night

It's Friday night at 9:00 and the girls are in bed (mostly) and Jim is off at a poker tournament (I'm not kidding, but I'm not going into details). I only want to sit and watch TV in my (mostly) quiet house. What to watch? Traditionally, Friday nights are bust for programming, even though we have hundreds of channels. Tonight, I've got 3 Martha Stewart's TiVo'd. Not the right mood.... Let's see... Battlestar Galactica! No, not quite. OOOOOOoooooooo American Idol- Back to the Beginning! Doesn't THAT sound like fun? Hm.... $40 a Day, Larry King, That 70's Show, every CSI ever invented, Law and Order.... and I settle on Most Haunted. THAT should be a good show to watch all by myself and go to bed until somebody creeps home at ungodly hours. Oh- ***TWO*** EPISODES! HOORAY!!!!!!


Lochmoor Mom said...

Brace yourself: I'm watching the Tigers vs Yankees game!

Lydia Netzer said...

You may not believe this, but I promise it is true -- when I'm out of TIVO'd crap and I need something to watch and Dan is out of town I *always* find myself watching Most Haunted! I swear! Did you see the episode they did with the house... where... the woman ghost kept knocking on the floor, and told them that one of the psychics was actually a reincarnation of her old lost love? Or something? WEIRD! Do you think it's totally made up? I love the host -- she's so buggly eyed and she believes in everything.