Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Logical Pairing of a Snake and Cin

Some Marys have Little Lambs. Ours has a snake. Well, it's not a real snake, Internet, that would be another post entirely. She has a blanket and a vivid imagination. At the moment, this blanket has morphed into her 'pet snake', where she holds the corner a few inches down, making a fairly recognizable 'head'. I have humored this, mostly because it gives me a good excuse to sing, "Rattlesnake Bit the Baby" and "I'm Being Eaten by a Boa Constrictor" on a daily basis. I mean really, who could resist that??? And the question begs asking, why do I know so many snake songs? Anyhow, I digress: Mary has a snake. And an imagination.

Today, Mary decided to dress up to play. She put on her Cinderella dress and became a veternarian (which explains her fabulous pets). She also informed me that she could not have a full name until she had two jobs (I have no idea what this means, I am merely the messenger here), so until then I had to call her Cin (pronounced "sin"). And, she prodded, this is my snake. Well, I had to ask, you know, what the snake's name was. "Snake" she told me. "I'm Cin and this is Snake." Cin and Snake were as tight as old buddies all afternoon, wandering around the house arm in arm, even eating together (although there were no apples at dinner).

All in all, I just thought that it was odd that a 4 year old (who doesn't see the inside of a Church, I'm afraid to admit) can come up with such a pairing. It gives sudden creadance to unlikely probabilities like the Infinite Monkey Theorem. There's just no telling what else could surface here along the Journey!

1 comment:

Lydia Netzer said...

Hilarious. It sounds like the most elaborate and convoluted set-up for a joke ever. The fact that it really happened is what makes it so funny. SILLY GIRL! So in tune with the collective unconscious.
