Sunday, November 30, 2008

Every now and then, I turn domestic...

I go back to work tomorrow, like a good portion of the United States professional world, and I don't want to go. It's a little bit of a selfish thing (ya think?) but when given a couple of days off, I fear returning to imposed order. And I want to quilt. I have never successfully quilted, so I don't know why I turn into quilt woman wannabe. For example, I LOVE this project - check out the mouse! And I want to embroider. And scrap book. I am not really thinking of new schedules (brand new trimester with new classes and new rosters!). Sure, I've got the lesson plans done, most of the copies made, the notes ready to be given, and the quizzes scheduled. I'd just rather be crafting. That is a sign. Usually a sign of stress, but I think it is more from a taste of freedom. Now, I know I'd be bored in a matter of days, but when facing down a whole new agenda and different classes than I've been teaching (in other words, no momentum), I'd rather not. Who would? At least I've got the summer. Isn't that just around the corner? In wild anticipation of all that time without tests, papers, and lesson plans, I think I'll order the Tulip Fairy Stitchette. Hooray for June!

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