Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bye, bye, baby

I managed to sell the following items:

  • Crib
  • Pack and Play playpen
  • 2 kid scooter cars
  • Clothes (including bags of tights, socks, and t-shirts)
  • Stroller (not the baby carrier and bases)
  • Some random hardcover books
  • Other miscellaneous items

Didn't sell everything I would have liked to, but sold a good amount of the large things. Lochmoor Mom, that bumper and crib skirt will be coming at you, along with a couple of coats you may be able to use. And does ANYONE need a bath seat? Why don't people know these are a necessity?? So I hauled off most of the remaining things to the resale shop, who is entirely too picky and would not even look at the baby carriers (like there are no babies to carry in cars??) and the paltry remains are yet to be distributed to a few other places. I am amazed at how hard it is to get rid of baby items.

Now my children are tucked in and I have some remaining post-garage sale cleanup to tend to.

1 comment:

Lochmoor Mom said...

Thanks a million, Canton Mommy, for the bumper and crib skirt!!! Can't wait to see the coats too!!
Congrats on selling a few of your big ticket items.
Seems you have a persnickity crowd that shops your area...they can all afford 'new'.