Monday, December 29, 2008


Charlie snuggling with sleepy Emma on our way home.

Friday, December 26, 2008

For the Love of the Game

Emma teaching Mary how to move chess pieces. Because we couldn't do
one more game today...

Favorite Presents

Both of the girls got modest piles of presents this year. Santa brought Mary a rocking chair, a new blankie, and her very own nutcracker. Emma received a sleeping beauty doll, a sleeping beauty horse that walks by itself, and a Barbie B smart computer. Mary is spending a lot of time reading books on her rocking chair with "New Ann" (her blankies are always named Ann). Emma is obsessed with a chess game we got her. OBSESSED. We have been playing it every minute of the day since yesterday morning. I am quite tired of the whole thing, as I have played no less than 10 games of chess since yesterday at 2 when we opened up the No Stress Chess game. And, incidentally, she read her first unassisted, unknown word when I put the board down. She said, "Rook! Mama, this says Rook." I asked her how she new that and she explained the whole process of knowing the word BOOK and replacing the "R" with the "B" and THERE YOU HAVE IT. Then she wanted to know what it meant and why it was printed on the board. We've been doing chess playing marathons ever since.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Resistance is Futile - You Will be Assimilated

This commercial is the undoing of all attempts at avoiding media control:

The girls hug the TV when this horrible thing comes on. The worst part? It is advertising TRADING CARDS. You know the girls are expecting fully animated horses that will befriend them and love them.

The robots are coming! The robots are coming!!!!! Save yourselves!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Drive

Annual Lightfest

Lights for Dad and Mom

Lighted lighthouse!


Creative Mary Toy

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPER BOTTLE! That's from the doll
house and is wearing a tag from gloves. How can Christmas compare??

Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Santa visit

"A rocking chair to sit in by my window and my very own nutcracker".

Stolen Moment

Christmas House Tours

More photos at Kodak Gallery. We had a Christmas in the Village event where people got to see the decorations at 8 houses and we were one of them. It took us 4 full weeks of decorating, borrowing decorations from my Mom and Dad, borrowing expertise and help form my Mother-In-Law, and countless purchases at Michael's. I'm glad it's over!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Egg Nog

Three chefs celebrate their posset.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Every now and then, I turn domestic...

I go back to work tomorrow, like a good portion of the United States professional world, and I don't want to go. It's a little bit of a selfish thing (ya think?) but when given a couple of days off, I fear returning to imposed order. And I want to quilt. I have never successfully quilted, so I don't know why I turn into quilt woman wannabe. For example, I LOVE this project - check out the mouse! And I want to embroider. And scrap book. I am not really thinking of new schedules (brand new trimester with new classes and new rosters!). Sure, I've got the lesson plans done, most of the copies made, the notes ready to be given, and the quizzes scheduled. I'd just rather be crafting. That is a sign. Usually a sign of stress, but I think it is more from a taste of freedom. Now, I know I'd be bored in a matter of days, but when facing down a whole new agenda and different classes than I've been teaching (in other words, no momentum), I'd rather not. Who would? At least I've got the summer. Isn't that just around the corner? In wild anticipation of all that time without tests, papers, and lesson plans, I think I'll order the Tulip Fairy Stitchette. Hooray for June!

Emma Evidence

When Emma gets a hold of my phone I find odd pictures of pet
elephants. Sally and Lucy look on defiantly here as they lay on the
pastry counter where they KNOW they are not allowed.

Christmas Village

Some of the Precious Moments sugartown village-couldn't fit it all in
one picture, but one more decorating thing is off the list!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tweet! Tweet!

I just signed on with Twitter, so if you are on Twitter, I am Sciteacher and we can Tweet!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Who Knew?

I got called back for my job! Three work days before the layoff was to start, with NO news either way, an innocuous envelope was delivered to my classroom door and signed for that said that my services would, indeed, be needed for this school year, if I wouldn't mind terribly. Otherwise, if I felt that I could not fulfill the duties outlined in the contract, please contact the superintendent of the district within 15 days. Get the chalk, Georgie, we're goin' in! Time to print some syllabi and assign some homework, because I'M BACK.

Reprise of tree #1


Victorian woodlands style?

Tree #3

And stockings! Those boxes go under the tree.


Glass drippy things worked out perfectly!


This looks better!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tree #2

Living room tree is searching for glass teardrop crystal thingies and
a topper.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A final touch

I can't stop messing with more details. I love this room!

Emma's Tree

Mary's Tree

Inspired by the snow

Tree #1 and my own centerpiece. It's going to take me a full month to
get the house ready for the Christmas in the Village house tours!


In the living room, a brief blizzard brought thoughts of Christmas..,.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

A smaller affair

Hosting a smaller, slightly more casual dinner experience tonight, but
it was worthy of Apple Spice truffles on each plate!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Time for Change!!!

I just got a Very Important Phone Call. Yep, it's the ONE I've been waiting for (in addition to that one that tells me I will still have a job) to make my decision. Barack Obama called ME. Sure, it was a recorded message, but it was for ME. At MY number. McCain hasn't called me. Hillary never called me. And Heaven knows Bush didn't pick up the phone and give me a ring with a happily recorded voice when he was running. Senator Obama told me how we need change. We need a new set of leaders - not Maverick-y people who hunt caribou or love George Bush's policies (he didn't say that directly, but I know what he was trying to say without really saying it). He told me WE NEED BARACK. And just because his recorded voice came over my phone, I think I'll go vote on Tuesday. I swear if your recorded voice calls me before then, I'll vote for you!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Minnie Mouse and Sleeping Beauty chum it up before the big haul.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Because I should be sitting down

It's not the best I've done, but the girls were thrilled....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Football, anyone?

I am not much of a sports fan, as much as anyone knows. Most of my friends and family know that I like to watch basketball on TV. Not religiously, but enough so that if it is on I will change the channel to see it- and I don't have a favorite, or even preferred team. Occasionally I will watch hockey, when it counts. When the Red Wings (our local team) is playing for keeps, I will watch. One time we even went to one of the sports bar type restaurants specifically to WATCH the Red Wings. Once. A long time ago. But if I am a casual sports enthusiast, my husband is a sports holdout. There is nothing about televised sports he tolerates well. For a while he even banned me from watching basketball (there's a long story there, involving a very bad back injury and a penchant for screaming at the TV while jumping around wildly, so he was well within his rights - but I cannot help but think he was glad to turn of the TV just because sports were on). It seems that we are an oddity among our peers and neighbors. Saturday afternoons in the fall see college flags sprouting out of houses like crocuses in the spring. Co workers have fantasy football and basketball teams and spend time breaking down the weekend matches.

Around here, there a few rival teams that you are supposed to pick from and root for. The first rivalry is University of Michigan versus Michigan State. My mom went to Michigan, and just to be contrary, every time those two teams were matched up I would bet against U of M for a week of no bed making or extra chores. I grew up in a time of Michigan's history when they NEVER lost. It sucked. But today, it seems, I should have bet something, because U of M is having a Very Bad Streak. Believe me, it crossed my mind. But I have never had any real loyalty there. The other strong rivalry, and maybe even bigger, is U of M and Ohio State. I have a very close friend that is a die hard OSU fan - her husband WENT to Ohio State and she must own every piece of clothing available to show your fealty. They both regularly attend OSU games, even now that they have 2 kids. This is big, folks. So last year, on the very day they were playing U of M I had to go to her house in a U of M sweatshirt. She almost didn't let me in. But, to hedge my bets, I had an OSU t-shirt on underneath. It works for me. But now something has changed. What? I don't know.

I have had coworkers all bent out of shape over the sports alignment before and I have ignored it. But it seems that this year is a little different. I think I am almost liking Ohio State. Why? Well, they seem to play a pretty good game. Their fans seem incredibly loyal. I like their colors and their songs. They have fun chants. It might be that last one. It's certainly NOT their mascot, Brutus. Why are they Buckeyes? Well, it IS about Ohio, where I guess they have a lot of those. But their little buckeye leaf reminds my of holly and Christmas time, and their oversized, anthropomorphized Aesculus species nut is a little worrisome. OK, a lot worrisome. And he dances. That is weird. But I digress. My coworker - the physics teacher across the hall - dissed Ohio State. That made me feel all protective of this team, for reasons unknown to me. So now I have aligned myself for the price of a bottle of Pepsi (which we both love more than Coke) with OSU. There. I did it. So I am watching the Ohio State vs. Penn State game right now (turns out Penn state is ranked #3 and OSU #10, so I am not sure what I have done here) and I have no idea why. I am struck by the overwhelming amount of RED in the crowd - Penn state seems under represented here. They keep up their chanting of O-H-I-O (I like that) and it is like a constant roar. Sounds like fun out there in Buckeye country. Strangely enough, I am a feeling a little bit like I should be wearing another color. I mean, looking at my green sweater you would have thought I was rooting for MSU today (only passively, of course), and at least I'm not wearing blue, which is Penn State's color. But I do feel like I'm missing out on some fraternal organization by not wearing red during this game. I mean, they DO look like they are having a lot of fun wearing red. It can't be the Nut dancing around because that is still weird. Very weird.

Emma is a Girl Scout!

Well, a Daisy Scout, at least. Thursday night we began the long career of Girl Scouts. At kindergarten (and now first grade as well), the girls are Daisy Scouts. I don't remember Daisy Scouts at all, so I don't know if they are a newer creation (well, in the last 30 years, I mean). What I do remember, is being a part of something BIGGER. I loved that. When I got to Jr. High, I still belonged, but we didn't do much. We were known by our leader as "closet Girl Scouts", because it wasn't "cool" to be in them. We just used it for time to sit around and talk, as young teens are want to do. So 5 little 5 year olds got together and learned hos to do the Girl Scout Promise. Tears threatened when Emma fashioned her fingers into the little hand symbol they use to recite the promise.

Then the Mommies got to order the little uniforms. They are blue (a color I never associated with scouts, to be honest) and we talked about the patches and badges they can get. Emma was not impressed with most of it, but she really enjoyed playing the drum set at the leader's house. She is also very excited about the idea that we are bringing snack next time. I remember being excited about snack. I also remember LOTS of little songs we learned and I think Emma will like that, too. She is also TERRIBLY excited about a mall sleep over the mothers talked about. You know, all of the IMPORTANT things the girl scouting brings to the table. Mary is jealous, of course. She keeps telling me that I shouldn't have picked Emma first, as if we went to some sort of Sam's Club for babies, saw them both sitting there, and chose Emma over her. Anyhow, I found out that Daisy Scouts sell COOKIES now (this is apparently a new thing). I can't wait until January!!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Black Friday?

In an effort to defray a projected 3.2 million dollar deficit in my school district, I have received one of these. Yes, Internet, it is to be wondered how cutting off my meager salary that is on the bottom of the pay scale can fix a budget flaw of that magnitude, but there you have it; a 33% cut in teaching staff proposed, increasing the day from 5 periods to 6, and raising the class limit to 35 students (a 30% increase in class size). It is a pending notice that starts December 1st if nothing else in the equation changes. Well, doesn't THAT make for a happy holiday season? Times are tough everywhere, I know, but you'll forgive me if I don't get out the fine linens.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dinner Club

All set for a few (15) people tonight!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Darling Darla

Watching a remake of little rascals, we found an amazing likeness
right in our own family room!

Would You Like Fries with That? How About a Coke?

Today we had some errands to take care of and one of those included going right back to the mall we went to yesterday because the department store neglected to take the theft deterrent device off an outfit I bought for Emma. It was, of course, THE outfit she wanted to wear today (NOT tomorrow or next year, I was informed). So we trekked back there as a family and the girls played in the kids area while I went to fix the issue. On the way back I stopped into a popular soap and candle store to buy one scented foamy soap. Just one. Not three. Somehow this was very hard to get across to the staff. See, I only use the fancy soap at one sink in the house, due to the fact that the girls use soap like it is going out of style and I refuse to pay for fancy soap at every sink. So, I stopped in to get the one soap I needed. The floor staff was very solicitous and helpful, pointing out that there was this sale, see, and I could get THREE for the price of TWO. No, thanks, I said. But, she persisted, it's a SALE. Yes, I insisted, but I only want to spend $5. She wandered off and I went to the register. The cashier hardly wanted to ring up such a travesty of commerce and began with the same persuasion to purchase 3 soaps instead of 1. NO, I said, I don't WANT 3 soaps. But they won't go bad, she pushed. Thanks, I'm good with this. You would be getting one free!!! No, I would be paying twice as much for the ONE I want. Sheesh! When she finally got the hint, she felt compelled to show me the "cute little clutch purse" that was on sale FOR ONLY 5 DOLLARS!!!!! I. Just. Want. This. One. Soap. Nothing more. Next time maybe I'll wear one of those sandwich signs and put: The End Is Near. I Only Need One Soap! Or maybe I'll just ordered the darn thing online when there is free shipping.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Special Mama and Emma time. Mary and Daddy had their own adventure.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

For My Dad, who surprised me today

Greetings again, Journiers. I am writing this because I called my parents this afternoon/evening on my way home from work (we dissected Owl Pellets today, Internet - MAD FUN!). AND GOT BLASTED. Apparently, my father has my blog on the equivalent of his home page and he is TIRED of looking at camping pictures of his grand daughters. Really, he said, I expected it to peter off NOT STOP ENTIRELY FOR THREE WEEKS. Well, I deserved that, I guess. What I did not expect is that he wouldn't let it go. Four or five times over. At one point I asked if he had seen the camping pictures and he said YES EVERY DAY FOR THE LAST THREE WEEKS!!!!! Ok, OK! I'll put another post up. But what to tell you all? School has started - yeah, you knew that. Emma started Kindergarten - old news. Mary is at daycare in a class without Emma - sad but true - also nothing new. There you have it, Journiers, we are on one of those stretches in life that is like driving through Ohio or Nebraska: you make progress but there's nothing much to report.

So there you have it, Dad. Corn fields as far as the eye can see.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

More camping

Grandma Linda and Papa cooking hot dogs for dinner.