Sunday, November 30, 2008

Every now and then, I turn domestic...

I go back to work tomorrow, like a good portion of the United States professional world, and I don't want to go. It's a little bit of a selfish thing (ya think?) but when given a couple of days off, I fear returning to imposed order. And I want to quilt. I have never successfully quilted, so I don't know why I turn into quilt woman wannabe. For example, I LOVE this project - check out the mouse! And I want to embroider. And scrap book. I am not really thinking of new schedules (brand new trimester with new classes and new rosters!). Sure, I've got the lesson plans done, most of the copies made, the notes ready to be given, and the quizzes scheduled. I'd just rather be crafting. That is a sign. Usually a sign of stress, but I think it is more from a taste of freedom. Now, I know I'd be bored in a matter of days, but when facing down a whole new agenda and different classes than I've been teaching (in other words, no momentum), I'd rather not. Who would? At least I've got the summer. Isn't that just around the corner? In wild anticipation of all that time without tests, papers, and lesson plans, I think I'll order the Tulip Fairy Stitchette. Hooray for June!

Emma Evidence

When Emma gets a hold of my phone I find odd pictures of pet
elephants. Sally and Lucy look on defiantly here as they lay on the
pastry counter where they KNOW they are not allowed.

Christmas Village

Some of the Precious Moments sugartown village-couldn't fit it all in
one picture, but one more decorating thing is off the list!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tweet! Tweet!

I just signed on with Twitter, so if you are on Twitter, I am Sciteacher and we can Tweet!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Who Knew?

I got called back for my job! Three work days before the layoff was to start, with NO news either way, an innocuous envelope was delivered to my classroom door and signed for that said that my services would, indeed, be needed for this school year, if I wouldn't mind terribly. Otherwise, if I felt that I could not fulfill the duties outlined in the contract, please contact the superintendent of the district within 15 days. Get the chalk, Georgie, we're goin' in! Time to print some syllabi and assign some homework, because I'M BACK.

Reprise of tree #1


Victorian woodlands style?

Tree #3

And stockings! Those boxes go under the tree.


Glass drippy things worked out perfectly!


This looks better!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tree #2

Living room tree is searching for glass teardrop crystal thingies and
a topper.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A final touch

I can't stop messing with more details. I love this room!

Emma's Tree

Mary's Tree

Inspired by the snow

Tree #1 and my own centerpiece. It's going to take me a full month to
get the house ready for the Christmas in the Village house tours!


In the living room, a brief blizzard brought thoughts of Christmas..,.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

A smaller affair

Hosting a smaller, slightly more casual dinner experience tonight, but
it was worthy of Apple Spice truffles on each plate!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Time for Change!!!

I just got a Very Important Phone Call. Yep, it's the ONE I've been waiting for (in addition to that one that tells me I will still have a job) to make my decision. Barack Obama called ME. Sure, it was a recorded message, but it was for ME. At MY number. McCain hasn't called me. Hillary never called me. And Heaven knows Bush didn't pick up the phone and give me a ring with a happily recorded voice when he was running. Senator Obama told me how we need change. We need a new set of leaders - not Maverick-y people who hunt caribou or love George Bush's policies (he didn't say that directly, but I know what he was trying to say without really saying it). He told me WE NEED BARACK. And just because his recorded voice came over my phone, I think I'll go vote on Tuesday. I swear if your recorded voice calls me before then, I'll vote for you!