Tuesday, January 03, 2006

From the Front Lines

Today has been a horrible day getting back to normal. I've been peed on, gotten poop on me, been vomited on and slip and fell in a puddle of milk. Despite that, I am not going to moan about it beyond that. I wanted to post a couple of pictures of the "New" dining and living rooms now that we have the furniture all put back in place. I am uploading an Ofoto album right now, so you can check out the the link in case anyone wants to see the whole thing. But, until then, here's a few to whet your appetite:


Anonymous said...

Ann, The pictures are beautiful. The rooms look like rooms from a magazine. You guys to great work. The two baskets of joy are very precious as well.

Derek' mom

Derek said...

Since Mom effectively covered everything except the last picture, I'll ask...Who drew the pregnant sheep on the Etch-a-Sketch looking gizmo?

Canton Mommy said...

Ah - that would be Emma's drawing on a Magna Doodle of a dog. I was amazed that it looked like anything and Jim was thrilled to see it resembled Cave Art. I forgot it was in that group of pictures!

Derek said...

Well, I at least I identified it as a 4-legged creature. I really can't say much here given my drawing abilities (and lack thereof).