Thursday, September 18, 2008

For My Dad, who surprised me today

Greetings again, Journiers. I am writing this because I called my parents this afternoon/evening on my way home from work (we dissected Owl Pellets today, Internet - MAD FUN!). AND GOT BLASTED. Apparently, my father has my blog on the equivalent of his home page and he is TIRED of looking at camping pictures of his grand daughters. Really, he said, I expected it to peter off NOT STOP ENTIRELY FOR THREE WEEKS. Well, I deserved that, I guess. What I did not expect is that he wouldn't let it go. Four or five times over. At one point I asked if he had seen the camping pictures and he said YES EVERY DAY FOR THE LAST THREE WEEKS!!!!! Ok, OK! I'll put another post up. But what to tell you all? School has started - yeah, you knew that. Emma started Kindergarten - old news. Mary is at daycare in a class without Emma - sad but true - also nothing new. There you have it, Journiers, we are on one of those stretches in life that is like driving through Ohio or Nebraska: you make progress but there's nothing much to report.

So there you have it, Dad. Corn fields as far as the eye can see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Corn fields.....Hahahahaha!!
Okay, I have side with your dad on this one. The camping pic is getting old. So, just post other "corn field" pics of your everyday life. Like your new ride!!