Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Family Fun in the (not so much) Sun

This week I've been committed to doing things with the kids that they would enjoy. So, Monday we went for a bike ride (they love that). Tuesday we met Zoe and her Mommy at the spray park. I brought a blanket, water, a few snacks and lunch. The girls immediately (at 10 AM) wanted to eat. This was right after they consumed all of the water I brought, claiming extreme thirst. So they ate. Then Zoe showed up and they all ate some more. Finally, they played. In the sandbox. A blistering 92 out and a whole park full of sprinklers and they spent 2 hours playing in the sandbox, which is not unlike the sandbox we have at home. And then they ate some more. Today we met Zoe and her Mommy in the main park in Plymouth for the weekly Music in the Park.Based on yesterday's success with food, we decided to get there early and have a picnic. That went fabulously, except Emma thought the hot dog stand had Popsicles and there was a period of time spent obsessing over those. And, then, just as the concert started, so did the rain. There were 2 drops and then the skies opened. Mrs. Bailey was quick thinking and inverted her handy vinyl lined blanket over our collective heads (which seemed to be more fun than picnics even) until the concert goers all decided to run for the covered farmer's market across the street. Mrs. Bailey suggested we call it a day, even IF the storm was going to blow over. We did, and it did not blow over. It continued to be blinding rain all the way home. Mary asked me how we were going to find our home if we couldn't see out of the windows at one point. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was sure I didn't know. Now, however, as I sit and write this and my soggy children are passed out from all of the excitement, it is sunny and beautiful out.

Good thing I watered my flowers this morning.

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