Saturday, July 21, 2007

For those who have asked....

Last Saturday I was in a Triathlon. It was my first one ever and I swam, biked and ran for 2 hours to get through it. My good friends Diane and Derek signed me up for it last December, back when I didn't have a job to occupy my every minute. Then I got a job that occupied my every minute (and don't forget the kids), and I didn't put one iota of effort towards any of the three disciplines required to live through a Triathlon. If you don't know, it is 1/4 mile swim in a lake, a 15 mile bike ride, and a 5K run, one right after another. Right after school let out (I think it was the Monday after), I got right back to the vigorous workouts and all of it came together last week. I have pictures (that links to the profesional ones, where a random other participant was included with my pics), which some have asked for, so if you are of the sort that wants to see me being athletic (or a close approximation of that), then click here and look at the pictures. If you only read this blog for the kids, hang tight and I'll post some stuff for Mary's 3rd birthday soon - and ignore the lady on the bike. That has nothing to do with the children.

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