Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tomorrow we are off to Minneapolis to visit with the Ruckers and for me to do a Triathlon with them. I won't mention THAT again, but you can check out my workout blog on the side there, Tri to be Fit. Today I took the girls to Target and bought them little "suitcases" of their own. They were so PLEASED. They followed me around Target for another half hour, obediently pulling the new luggage behind them. Then Emma figured out she can WEAR it - they are really backpacks on wheels - and the hiking girls emerged behind me (they left the handles up so that they looked like they were going on 3 month hikes). When we got home, Mary immediately packed hers. What does a toddler need on a long plane trip? A pillow, a magna doodle, a treat box of goldfish crackers and Nemo. As she zipped it up, there was a brief exchange between her and Nemo which sounded like this:

"Nemo"(high pitched voice of Mary): Bahy Bahy, I don't want to go in there

Mary: Shut up, Nemo, you have to go in there.

Me: Mary, we don't say that.

Mary: No, Mama, I just had to say that to Nemo because he was being annoying.

I just can't argue with that. Anyways, since when do stuffed fish need to be treated with respect? And as a side note, Nemo's language usually consists of that "Bahy Bahy" that she does in a certain baby-ish voice. I've never heard him give her lip like that before. Maybe the fish had it coming.

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