Friday, April 14, 2006

Waiting for the doctor for 40 minutes

I took this picture with my phone at the ENT doctor's office this morning. We were there for a simple recheck of Emma's ear tubes, which were infected a month or so ago and bleeding profusely at the time. There was an earlier picture of her here at the same office. Well we waited 25 minutes in the waiting room and then an additional 30 in the exam room. I was, for some reason, extraordinarily annoyed at this and told the nurse and the doctor just that. All I asked was that they might have told me at the beginning so that I could have called Jim's Mom to tell her we were going to be late in meeting her. Irritatingly so, the doctor was insouciantly unapologetic.


Derek said...

Fool me once.....

Lydia Netzer said...

Still sesquipedalian.

Canton Mommy said...

Absolutely. But you must admit, that was the PERFECT word. It happens to be one of my favorites.