Saturday, May 28, 2005


Mary is just a little past 10 months old. She is crawling everywhere, pulling to standing on everything (including Emma, if she stands still long enough), and reaching as far as she can to get into whatever trouble might be available. The other notable thing she does is put everything in her mouth. Now, Emma was not like that. She did not explore her world through her tastebuds. So I am trying to figure out the thought process behind this. If I were to the same, would I come upon something new and stick my mouth on it? Would I think, 'hey, here's a new Chrysler car design I haven't seen before, I wonder how it tastes'?. Shopping for a new outfit - would a red dress taste better than some kitchy capri pants? I am afraid to think what would happen if I went to the petting zoo. What I really want to understand is, how does the taste affect her assimilation of the new object? Do round things that taste like metal go in the same category as square things that taste like metal? I just can't figure it out. She does seem to have a proclivity for magazine taste. Anything papery is great snacking material. Coupons and magazine pages are something akin to gourmet meals, while green beans remain in the inedible category. Let's not even get into the green vegetable category. I am sure she would rather eat the glass jars they come in.


Derek said...

And green beans should remain in the inedible category.

I'm guessing kids sense of smell is among the last senses to develop. Obviously, she's seeing the object. She's also probably touching the object. I say probably, making the assumption that she's not approaching things mouth first, and that she's grabbing them before placing them in her mouth. She's also probably shaking the object to see if it makes any noise just prior to snacking on it. If my assumption that smell comes later (probably valid, since most little kids don't seem to smell their own poop), taste is the reasonable thing to do with any new object after it's been seen, touched, and listened to. But I'm only a single guy, so what do I know besides GREEN BEANS ARE EVIL?!?!

Juno said...

You know, if I actually had to taste everything that came in my path, I'd probably be more careful about the paths I choose!

:) Have a good weekend.

Canton Mommy said...

Hmmm.... yes, she has experienced her world with her other senses first, but her fixation is much more... shall we say, determined than that. It looks more like the kid is rabidly hungry and will eat rocks if she has to, just so that she doesn't expire on the SPOT. And the things this kid can find are amazing. I actually caught her pinching a dead fly in her fingers this morning. Where did THAT come from??? I would like to add, Derek, that you came at that with a very analytical breakdown. Impressive, but not good blogging material.

Derek said...

Of course I came at it analytically. You think I would approach dealing with kids from another direction? I can't tell you from experience or anything (except about the green beans). And ANYTHING I write is good blogging material. It might just take the rest of the world a while to realize that.

By the way, I used to cry BETWEEN BITES when I was really little. Ask Mom, I would almost start yelling before they could get the spoon out of my mouth. I did stop doing that shortly after I started feeding myself. Or at least I stopped before I went to college.

Canton Mommy said...

Derek- about that comment about your writing -

you wish.

Derek said...

OK, so how about anything I write on someone else's blog is good blogging material?

Canton Mommy said...

Nice try. You can think that if you wish.