Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Terrible Two's

My toddler is a wreck of emotion and defiance today. She is bent on doing ANYTHING that will get her into trouble, including bashing her baby sister on the head with various large, not so blunt objects. She went directly past time-outs and straight to crib time sessions. I tried to go for a walk to run out some of her energy and the whole ordeal ended up with her in her crib (screaming) and me downstairs (fuming) and playing with Mary. In addition to all of this, Mary was up a lot last night (STILL TEETHING) and I have no patience to start with. I'm pretty sure that toddlers can sense this and choose it as the time to be the most horrible. SO it is 12:30 and Emma is down for a nap 1/2 hour early (screaming) and I am waiting for Mary to look tired so the I can put her down and take a nap. This day needs a restart button.

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