Monday, October 30, 2006

Multiple Postings

Well, apparentlyBlogger is having a little case of the hiccoughs. Yes, those videos are all the same. As hard as I have tried, I cannot delete them. As a matter of fact, they are not real. When I check my posts they are not listed. So I ask you - how do you get rid of something that is not really there?


Lydia Netzer said...

I only see one. Hey, I emailed Blogger -- I finally found a link to a form to send a support request. About the phone issue. There's a post on the "status" site that says something about a photo upload problem being fixed as of yesterday at 11am. So, I'm going to try again today and see what happens.

Canton Mommy said...

They finally disappeared on their own accord sometime on Sunday or Monday. Huh!