Tuesday, October 24, 2006


These are wonderful skirts that Lydia made for my girls. Hooray for skirts! Nicest thanks to Lydia for clothing my children in such cute clothes. And an extra Hip! Hip! for a little display of sisterly love momentarily shared happily. The only problem is that I didn't have any long sleeve shirts that matched the skirts, so they look a bit summery and knocked kneed. Very knock kneed. I hope that is not permanent, or a side effect of new skirts. Ha!

This is definitely a scrapbook-worthy picture.

1 comment:

Lydia Netzer said...

Oh, AWESOME! Thank you for this picture!!! It's so great to see them in their little skirticakes. DARLING. They look just perfect -- thank you thank you for this very gratifying picture. You rock. And you make very cute kids. ;D

Hey, punkin, don't you want to do National Novel Writing Month with me? You have an ENTIRE WEEK to prepare.