"So, why haven't you blogged?" Lochmoor Mom asked.
Two words, my friend: POTTY TRAINING.
"So, blog about that."
This one I actually thought about for a millisecond. Besides using up huge time blocks where I spend an inordinate amount of time sitting in front of Emma on the 'potty', singing songs, reading books to her, or making up Dora stories, I am, when she goes to bed, pooped.
Not pooped in the sense of "poots" (Emma speak), or as in "pee-pee", which I actually used in a sentence when speaking to my husband yesterday. Pooped as in so flippin' tired and sucked dry of any patience I ever had that I really want to burrow into the farthest reaches of my house and twitch. Barring that availability, eating more Birthday Cake Remix will work, too.
I meant to go to Meijer tonight and pick up more Feel and Learn diapers ("Dora Diapers"), Kan-Doo flushable wipes ("Purple-green paper towel"), and some pull-ups for night and nap times, since Emma likes to remove the regular velcro tabbed diapers for sleeping purposes. However, the minute the girls went to their cribs (they are still chatting at each other right now) I put on my PJ's. I know a lot of people go to all sorts of places in their pajamas, but I am not and will not become one of them. So that will be first on the docket tomorrow morning. Oh, and we are out of milk. Better put that on the list, too.
All in all, potty training is everything I feared and expected. I just didn't foresee the potty-themed songs or the made up Dora adventure stories, where Dora eats a lot and drinks a lot and then has to.... Well, I am sure you can guess that ending.
Emma looks so cute in her pig tails! I emailed you a song that I thought you'd get a chuckle out of. I couldn't resist.
I sympathize - Fiona is a little too good at getting out of velcro tabs, too. We're 100% in Dora diapers.
I hope Emma doesn't discover that they have different designs - Fiona has very specific demands about WHICH Dora diapers she'll wear.
Oh, Emma KNOWS the difference. She wants to only wear the star diapers with her favorite star character, Whoo-Hoo. (I sincerely loath merchandising). I have managed to come up with acceptable reasons why the other ones can or must be used, but I don't know how long that will last.
Just think, you will be a potty expert when Mary Lee gets to that stage.
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