Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Hello to everyone who is reading this - faithful Lochmoor Mom, occasional parents and inlaws, Nemesis, Inc., dear friends in Minnesota, traveling husband, close friends and random viewers. See, I checked the counter site stats and it just confused the bottoms off of me. It was a good thing the girls were in bed. It can show me if the people who come are a "direct hit" or if they were recommended from a site. I believe the second one to mean they clicked on some link instead of choosing it from their favorites or typing it in the address bar. So I click on one of the sites, and it was some religious thing. I did not find any reference to my blog in it and cannot figure out how the two can be connected. Anyone out there know this? I was just wondering.

Well, not much to report tonight. A short night's sleep (but a good one) last night on my new 400 count sheets. Emma was up jumping off of her bed and doing various non-sleep inducing things until past 12:30 last night and she was up well before the sun. She and Mary were miserable messes today. I put Mary to bed in the guest room in her playpen and Emma in her room by herself and they are both sound asleep - it is 9:30 and I practiced piano for 1 1/2 hours and they went to sleep. Last night I stayed up WAY too late playing Alchemy, an addictive Yahoo! game. I would have played my usual Jewel Box (I think that is it) but my husband took away my regular computer and replaced it with a new one which does not carry the memories of my current saved game or previous high scores. Heck, it doesn't even have the game on it and I don't feel like paying another $20 to download it. That was another shortsightedness he had when he bought a new computer 4 days before going out of town. But, hey, it sure types fast!

Enough babble - I am off to waste another evening in front of the glowy box playing useless games. I'm just too tired to do anything else. Ciao.


tom said...

You got hits from random blogs when people hit the "next blog" button at the type right. That's how I got to yours.

Canton Mommy said...

Well, Thanks, Tom. I wonder how you liked my dribble and if you will come back after tripping across my corner of the blogoshpere. Welcome either way!