Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Princesses and the Pee

You read that right, Internet, another post about bodily functions. That may be
the only mention of it, though, and it is specifically aimed to please one of my
constants, Mr. Nemesis. According to many comments he's left before, the posts
with such content make him turn his head. Now that's an image.

As for the princesses, the girls were Cinderella and Belle for Halloween. What a lovely time we all had! On Saturday our subdivision held the annual Spooky Saturday celebrations, with games, costumes, cider and doughnuts, free hot dogs and pizza, Pumpkin Hunts and Haunted Forest walks. What a fun time! Emma and Mary were a little young to fully enjoy the full extent of it, but Mum and Papa came down to see them in their costumes (also an annual thing, which I truly enjoy) and the girls certainly enjoyed that. The particularly funny thing about that was the Princess-Mobile. That was Cinderella and Belle being pulled around in the little green wagon, much to their enjoyment.

Monday night was Mary's first real experience with the holiday. She got the hang of the candy thing real fast - just like any little kid. What she enjoyed most was picking through the candy while she was chauffeured around, throwing some of it out (apparently the non-acceptable pieces) and chewing on the others, wrappers and all. She was also very interested in people putting things in her bucket. Many times she sat right down on the spot to examine the new booty. It was really a great time. Emma was particularly cute. After we walked away from a house, she would mutter, "say 'trick or treat', get candy." three or four times. It was as if she had discovered some great truth and she was amazed at the power it held. Then she would ask me, "Momma, we go other trick or treat house, get more candy?". It was too precious! After about three houses, she also picked up on our farewell and she began repeating it with her wonderful 2 1/2 year old version: "Hat-ty Hawo-weeeeeen!" By the GODS it was the sweetest thing I ever heard! She also spent a good portion of the evening, when we got back home and let her swim in the candy for a while, saying "Thank You Momma, Thank You Dadda". I could seriously BURST from that much love.


Lochmoor Mom said...

Oh, no, no! posts about bodily functions are the best!!! They usually are the ones to get the most mail if you don't count hate mail.
Oh, God, When Princess Lochmoor is older I'm bringing her to your subdivision to trick or treat! You have sidewalks.....and houses that aren't three miles distance from the other!!! Yep, watch for us next year!!

Canton Mommy said...

Oh, that would be seriously fun!!! You could turn off all of oyur lights and leave for the evening, visit Mumsy and whatnot, then we could send the menfolk out into the cold whith the girls while we hand out candy!!! I would HAVE ot make mulled cider, spiked or something just for fun! As Emma says, "Let's do this!"

Lochmoor Mom said...

It's a date Canton Mommy! Next Halloween we are SO THERE!!! Oh yes, wonderful beverages!! *smiles* Princess Lochmoor is also in agreement!! Yea Us!!!!

Derek said...

Let's see...your previous 4 posts got 3, 0, 3, and 0 comments (going in order of newest to oldest). My comment is number 5 on this one (though admittedly one of those is yours). I hope the networks don't discover the magic of pee & poop (and derivatives thereof), or who knows what they'll put on next.

I will say I have now gone 10 consecutive years without anyone coming up to my door and asking for candy on Halloween. Such tends to be the case when you live in communities that have a total of about 6 kids in them. The first couple years I would actually buy stuff just in case someone came by, but pretty much quit doing even that.