Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wakey Wakey Wakey

My children are awake. One is moaning and the other is calling me, "Maaaaaaaa-maaaaaa.... Maaaaaa-maaaaaaaa". This might not seem like a big infraction on your sensibilities, dear Reader, but the truth is I should have another hour of relaxation yet. I cannot imagine why the are both awake (I have them in separate rooms right now). They were up half of the night and awake again before the sun. Now, they have missed a third of naptime and I cannot comprehend WHY they want to be awake. DO they ever go to sleep? EVER? It might be the hum of machinery outside the windows - English Gardens have begun tearing up grass and digging holes where gardens will be as soon as next week. It might be the EXTRA BRIGHT SUN that keeps playing hide and seek with the clouds. It might be my hysteria is causing them to be edgy. It could also be sunspots, as far as I know. Whatever it is I wish it would go away and they would sleep. Now or tonight, preferably both, but SLEEP.

You might wonder what I am planning on doing while they are sleeping. Well, check yesterday's list and you might have an idea. I also need to practice my piano, so add that right on there. And did I mention that I have not eaten lunch yet? I have been sorting clothes and spot cleaning the kitchen floor (which, incredibly, was mopped only 2 days ago). And then my wild imagination thought a brief nap would do me some good. Well, so much for any of that. And I have not yet watched my daily Martha show - tomorrow the kid who plays Harry Potter is on and I'd like to see that. Today, however, is anyone's guess, since I have not seen it.

Well, Reader, my people call.

1 comment:

Lochmoor Mom said...

I know the answer! I've been stealing their sleep!!! I took a 2hr nap today. Hey, I need it. In fact, it's now 9:00pm and I'm exhausted. G'nite.