Monday, February 20, 2006

Getting to Know Me

I was bumping around on the internet and reading one of the occasional blogs I frequent (fluid pudding) and I found that she had made a list. Now, I am all about making lists. I have no less that 5 lists right now that are occupying some space, detailing all sorts of things to be detailed. Her list is 100 Things to Know about Fluid Pudding. I am not going to do 100 things. But I will do some things because I thought her list was fun to read. If you are reading this blog, you may or may not find this list interesting. Also, I think it would be interesting to know if there is anything on this list that Diane does NOT know.
  1. I have blue eyes.
  2. My refrigerator has pictures of Emma, Mary, my Mom, my Dad, Diane and her children, all of my nieces and nephews except the one in California and the 2 that are to be born any minute, my babysitter, and my friend Trica and her family.
  3. My favorite food is Popcorn.
  4. My favorite thing to drink is English Breakfast tea.
  5. I prefer regular Pepsi but Diet Coke.
  6. My first pet I got all on my own was named Alexandra, or Alley Cat. I named her before I saw her and determined I wanted a grey cat before I knew what was available.
  7. I always wanted 3 kids (until I had 2).
  8. I count the buttons on people's shirts.
  9. I practice square roots in my head when I am trying to go to sleep.
  10. I like to laugh too loud.
  11. My house is red, my car is red and my winter coat is red and I don't care for red at all.
  12. I hate pink.
  13. My 2nd daughter is named after my father and his heritage.
  14. My first daughter is named after a Jane Austen book.
  15. Emma was born on 03/03/03.
  16. My dog's initials spell CAT.
  17. My dog's middle name is Athelstan.
  18. I love sapphires most.
  19. I speak French in my sleep but not when I'm awake.
  20. I understand written Portuguese and French.
  21. I am obsessed with the life of Evita Peron.
  22. I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up.
  23. I have a life ambition of playing violin in a professional group at least once.
  24. I harbor a dream to sing on stage.
  25. I have stood on the stage at Carnegie Hall.
  26. I once walked from Central Park to the Statue of Liberty - half the length of Manhattan.
  27. I learned to barter in the Middle East.
  28. I lived in Spain for a year and didn't know any Spanish when I got there.
  29. I always wanted to learn ballet.

Well, that should be enough Ann-trivia for today. I am sure there are many more things that I could divulge, but I think you might get bored after 30 items, so I quit while I was ahead.


Lochmoor Mom said...

Oh no, 30 items aren't enough we must learn more! About the square root wonder you can't sleep at night!

Derek said...

Interesting idea. I could probably scare the crap out of some people if I made a list like that.

There's a few things that I could add to the list on you, but I'll be a nice nemesis and not do that. At least not yet.

Canton Mommy said...

You could do a list of 30 Scarey Things About Me. Go with that.

Lochmoor Mom said...

Oh additionally, I'm not on the list of pictured "fridge friends". Then again, Derek isn't listed either. What does that truly mean about us?

Canton Mommy said...

It says you didn't send me a picture of you and your family. That's what it means.

Lochmoor Mom said...

I'm havin' fun with you, sister! Besides, no one is getting a picture of my fat pregnant body to put anywhere!! You'd need a bigger fridge to hang in on.

Derek said...

I don't know what it says about anyone else, but I would imagine that having pictures of single guys on the fridge probably isn't the greatest idea in the world for those that enjoy being married, so my ego isn't hurt by that. Besides, there are maybe a total of 20 pictures of me (and I think that's high) that have even been taken in the last 10 years, so availability is probably also an issue.

What is your dog's last name that it starts with a "T"?

Canton Mommy said...

His full name, typed neatly on a certificate that claims he is not muddied by multiple breeds for some generations back at LEAST, is Charles Athelstan Tiberius III. I don't know who is I or II. We gave him those names and they were all Jim's idea. I don't even know why we made him the third dog in a line of dogs that have never existed. That was all Jim. Except Charles. That was me. I refused to have a fluffy sheltie dog named Athelstan.

Canton Mommy said...

Hmm.... 8X10 of Derek.... I think everyone should have a lifesized picture of their nemesis. It reminds you why you need to exist (to foil your nemesis) and why you need to stay smart (to outwit your nemesis) and why you need to be in good shape (to out do your nemesis) and why you need to have good aim (well, THAT should be obvious). Maybe that's NOT such a bad idea, Karol....

Derek said...

Karol, you could send a picture to Ann, but you would then be responsible for any emotional damage and trauma done to her or her offspring, and you wouldn't want that on your conscience, would you? Besides, if she put up a life sized picture of me, then everyone else would want one of themselves up in her house.

However, I kinda like the idea of putting a life-size picture of me up in MY house. Hmm.... Might need 2, one for upstairs and one for downstairs.