Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Toddler Food Pyramid

All I need to know is if Tater Tots are considered a vegetable and how many consective meals they can reasonably be served at.


Derek said...

That's a resounding YES, Tater Tots are vegetables. I think I had some form of potato for nearly every meal that didn't involve pizza between the ages of 7 and 18. If it ain't broke, don't change vegetables.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'm sure if you looked on the bag it would state the Tater Tots are made of some kinda veggie byproduct..God knows they wouldn't use 'real' spuds! Not to mention if dipped in ketchup it's double the veggie servings!! :)
Oh yeah, since the phone conversation I've had cookie dough on the brain....made toll house cookies. P

Diane said...

Sorry - no luck on tater tots. But I still think ketchup should count.

Heck, why not expand your horizons? Green crayons should *also* count towards nutritional value.

Derek said...

I can't speak to the crayons, but I KNOW ketchup counts, at least it does in my food pyramid. Particularly when consumed in volumunous amounts.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that chocolate is also a vegetable? It originates from a bean...the cocoa bean,I believe. Doesn't that count as a vegetable,a bean?