Monday, August 01, 2005

Ga! Game and Food Strikes

Mary's new game has some form of complex rules only she can understand. She particularly likes to do it with bloomers or panties, whichever she can find. Since Emma is potty training (STILL) she seems to be able to find both of them with surprising recurrence. Then she stands up, taking the bloomers in her hands, and lifts them over her head. She takes 2 or 3 steps and throws her item to the ground and yells, "GA!!!". Then repeat. Emma has tried to play the same game with her and she just gets mad - apparently Emma does not understand the intricacies of the Ga! Game.

Emma is on a food strike. She is subsisting, I am convinced, on a half a banana a day and a bit of pudding. I refuse to bargain with her, offering multitudes of different dishes to please her. So Mary is getting to eat a lot of Emma's non-eaten meals. This is a good thing, because Mary is storing up for a long hibernation, or a growth spurt. She is eating 3 times what I think Emma would (normally) eat and sleeping inordinate amounts of time. Any day now she is going to be huge.

Speaking of growing, Mary had her 1 year well child appointment last Friday. She is 22 lbs and 31 inches long. This puts her in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height. Wow! Emma always lives in the 25th and 50th percentiles, so I was shocked to hear this. Of course, with the way the girls are eating, it would make sense.


Anonymous said...

Mary's game sounds great. I bet that Emma will invent her own version (not to be outdone by her sister).

As for the food - average over 3 days for a toddler... more like over a week... you'll get one or two full meals in there somewhere. This phase ends when they turn 4.


Canton Mommy said...

So, that would make it 1 1/2 bananas and a pile of pudding. Hm. I'm still not sure that is what I was looking for in the health and nutrition department. I did find out this morning that she likes my homemade granola ("crunchy cereal"). At least it's healthy!

Derek said...

Nobody ever understands the games us tall, smart people make up. That's how we weed out other geniuses from the riff-raff.

And by the way, Ann, your request from earlier today has been honored.