Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah...

Snow, snow, snow. It is nice to have winter, even if it means I am stuck inside the house all day. It is just nice to be able to poke my head out and smell the white, clean smell of fresh snow. Both kids are napping in the same room today, so I am not starting anything huge and all encompassing (like working out) in case one of them starts screaming and I have to run up and get them before they wake up the other kid. 1 hour into nap time and all is well, so far. Nothing interesting to write about the babies so I will blabber on about me.

I went to a 'crop' last Friday with a couple of friends. For those of you who are not familiar with scrapbooking terminology, it is when you go and work on your scrapbook pages with a group and are there for many hours. It has the benefit of being at a scrapbook store, so you can buy whatever you might need (or want) and use it right away. This essentially gives you the whole store to choose from when doing a page. You just run a tab, and at the end of the night cash out. That's the painful part. So I realized I am missing quite a few large sections of Emma's first year. It seems we took the pictures and then never printed them out. It is the curse of digital photography. Sure, we can print them out, but how much INK do you think that will take? I can't do it. So I am busy uploading a zillion pictures to Ofoto so that I can have them printed and mailed to me. I know it seems counter intuitive, but at this point the time and money really do work out better in the end. I am not planning on sending the album to anyone to bore them with pictures taken over a year ago, so you can stop holding your breath. I have signed up for another crop with my friends in 2 weeks and hope to do a couple of pages for Emma's 1st birthday. I told you I was behind, since her second birthday is quickly approaching.

Well that is the end of happy napping. Someone woke up and now they are both complaining. I do not know why I think these children can nap in the same room and I am not sure what to do about it. Must go check on the bawling babies.

1 comment:

Derek said...

Clean snow? In Michigan? That exists? You can have the snow. I'm in shorts again, and it was an absolutely beautiful day down here.