Thursday, February 03, 2005

Groundhog Day?

Good morning to me, I woke up with hives. Well, I really woke up with super puffy eyes and a rash on my forehead. I thrust my red, itchy face into Jim's and say, "See? I wasn't making it up!". My darling husband offered to run out and get me non-drowsy Benadryl. He also bought dried beans (2 packages, just in case of any emergencies) and the gallon of milk that every husband on every sit-com has had to stop and pick up at one time or another. Kids were screaming for breakfast, so I brushed my teeth and moved on.

I took the Clariton (who knew they don't make non-drowsy Benadryl?) and did my mommy job. I also boiled the beans that should have been soaked overnight in a way that the package said would work just as well. BUT THEN I TURNED DOWN THE HEAT. I also stopped itching (Ahhhhhhhh), so I didn't need to lay down and I even finished the soup before nap times began. We made it to play group and Tricia laughed when she found out I made bean soup again. Jim made it home just in time to watch the girls while I went to the Doctor about this rash thing.

The Doctor and I figured out that I had an allergy to..... get this.... the cleaning solution I used to SCOUR the first floor of the house on Tuesday. So, all I need to do is re-clean everything I already cleaned this week. Hurray for me.

1 comment:

Derek said...

Three words...Cleaning is bad.