Monday, February 28, 2005

Hidden Agenda

I have a lot of things I would like to write, but I will probably not get to all of them. What I want to talk about is children's cartoons on Noggin. Being very wintry out here, we spend a lot of time inside and a lot of time with the TV on. Much more than I would like, but there is only so much a Mommy can do while nursing. So I was watching Noggin, which is all for preschoolers. One of the shows was exploring diversity and how different was good. Here were the examples: Grandpa, Oobi, different - good; Sun, rain, different - good; boy, girl, different - good. This was punctuated by a young couple walking by. Huh. Now that was interesting. I thought maybe I was watching too much kids TV and reading way to much into it. This weekend Jim pointed out that on the commercial break, when they were discussing right and left, that Dora was ALWAYS on the left, no mattered who she was paired with. He thinks this is because she is a minority and the stereotype is politically on the left for minorities. Well, I have to tell you, we might have just been joshing about all of this, but it sure gives you something to think about when Blue's Clues is playing again for the millionth time.


Derek said...

I've noticed something similar on the Apprentice. Every time someone is fired, they end up taking the LEFT elevator to the lobby. I hadn't put this together, but apparently the left is for losers (according to Trump & producer Mark Burnett). Or at least it's for people not worth hiring.

Derek said...
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Derek said...
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Derek said...
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Derek said...
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Derek said...

Sorry about the mess. I was trying to post the comment, and kept getting an error message. Only when I returned did I notice that my initial comment had been posted 5 times. My bad.

Anonymous said...

This may not be related in any way, however, you will notice on any given news cast either local or national, if there is a male and female newscaster the male is always on the left. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Next time you watch the news check it out. P

Canton Mommy said...

Well I am glad I am not the only one seeing hidden political messages in the daily broadcasts. Makes me feel a little less paranoid, I think.

Lydia Netzer said...

OMG I am not even kidding when I tell you that Dan pointed out this *very same thing* just the other day. Noggin is the only channel Benny watches because of the lack of commercials etc. Noggin is awesome. It's so weird you wrote about that left/minority thing just now, it was literaly days ago that Dan said something about it. S P O O K Y.

I HAVE A SECRET FONDNESS FOR OOBI! We made Oobi hand thingies out of styrofoam balls and plastic rings. I like the idiotic way they talk. I especially like Randy the babysitter! *salad fork in eye*