Sunday, February 20, 2005

Fabulous Food

Tonight I made stuffed pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans and rosemary bread. I only list all of this because I was so darn proud of my pork chops. Remember, I am trying to stretch the food dollar, so I went digging through the freezer. I might say that the freezer, which is normally a cornucopia of selections, is starting to look a little barren. I was down to tip steaks, 2 packages of hamburger, salmon (which I think has to be thrown out), chicken breasts, and pork chops. That is it for the meat. So I pulled out the pork chops and noticed my frozen left over stuffing from Thanksgiving. It was really good stuffing- apple almond stuffing with dried cranberries in it. Not the Stove Top Stuffing variety. So I pulled that out too, and the rest is dinner history. That made such good stuffing for pork chops! I was so pleased with dinner and neither Jim nor I could finish even one of the pork chops, so plenty of leftovers for tomorrow! I figured if I couldn't crow about it here, where could I?


Anonymous said...

okay, so call me and give me the scoop on how to make these pork chops! P

Derek said...

Lasagna & applesauce on this end. In case you were curious.

By the way, loved the "Jr. Escape from Alcatraz" story.