Friday, December 17, 2004

Many Mommies

My mom came over today (well, last night, really) so that I could pretend that she was my clone and get TWICE as much work done. So I wrapped ALL of the Christmas presents for everyone I've ever known, mailed out many of them, and participated in a long laundry marathon. I guess that would be 26 miles of laundry. My mom watched Emma and Mary and did dishes and made cookies. By the early afternoon we were feeling like one enormously successful person - adding up our accomplishments just so that we could be smug in how much got done. I don't know how the laundry got so far behind, but now I have to put away the 26 miles of it. I'm going to wait until Jim gets home, since my Mommy clone has run away. Then I think we will put the kids to bed and watch one of the 3 movies from blockbuster online that are just collecting dust. Tomorrow is another busy day, with a dentist appointment at 10, a baby shower at 12, and Christmas Dinner at Jim's Dad's at 3. At least I have all of the gifts wrapped!

Mary turned over today, precisely while I was collecting laundry and my Mom was reading with Emma. In other words, while no one was watching. She just ended up on her stomach and puked. I guess it was from motion sickness and she hasn't done it again. Who can blame her?

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