Sunday, December 12, 2004


Snow! We had about 1” of snow last night and it is still coming down in those big, soft flakes. We dressed Emma up in her snow suit for the first time and Jim took her out to experience her first hands on snow time! When we came down stairs this morning and Emma saw the white covering outside. We went to the window to see what she thought of it - of course she said, “uh-oh!”. After explaining (again and again) that it was snow (“What’s that? What’s that? What’s that?”), she lost interest. The purple snow suit was a little big on her and she found it hard to walk at first, bringing back images of the little boy from “The Christmas Story”. With her hat and mittens on (and Elmo tennis shoes, since I haven’t bought winter boots yet), Emma began to think there was a trap and cry. She couldn’t get the hat off with her mittens on her hands! Jim took her outside and she began to explore (“ooooooooooo!!!!”). She saw her playhouse and had to go check that out. Her main concern was that snow was covering everything, so she started dusting it all off. Jim made snow balls and tossed them at the house. Emma had to brush off the resulting snow in earnest. This was her mission for anything she saw - cleaning off the snow. After 20 minutes of compulsive dusting, Daddy and Emma came back inside with rosy cheeks and a bright red nose!

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